Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mackinaw and Kayaking - Strange Combo!

Ok, so a late blog post - better late than never!

(October 2009_ So the past several weeks have been a blur as the Suitor clan has been on the move!

Dan and I headed to Mackinaw Island for the first weekend in October - to celebrate our anniversary and to visit the Island (Yes, I had never been before!). We found ourselves in a Nor'easter if you will - 50 mph winds and cold rain on the Friday evening we were there. But the next morning - the weather parted and we had the best fall weather imaginable! Sunny, cool. Just after a storm feeling. You could tell the straits had undergone a good beating but the day was marvelous!

Then last weekend, my dad and sister came in for the weekend and we went kayaking on the Rogue River. It was amazing and beautiful and so serene - especially after a week's worth of cold rain. The river moved quite well - we did not have to do a lot of extra work. Float trip...ahhh! We roused up some wildlife on our trip, and I kept sticking my gloved thumb in the water...ah the novice kayaker am I!