Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Today we remember the greatest and most challenging day of our lives - the arrival of our little Caleb. Though not as we had planned, God has given us the greatest gifts and we hold onto it with grateful hearts.

To my sweet child, Caleb, on his special day.


  1. Caleb is such a precious gift to us all. We cherish every minute we spend with him. Today September 2nd we remember his special day. We rejoice in God's blessings. Through the eyes of a child we are reminded of his love. Megan, Dan, and Caleb, have a wonderful day!
    Grammy and Gramps

  2. I found your blog from your old one ( and I love it!! Happy birthday Caleb!! I loved the video. I remember when he was born two years ago. Caleb, you have one tough Momma to hang upside down in bed for days for you! She is awesome!!
    --Jenn Ross
    ps I have a blog for

  3. Thanks for sharing the new blog. Two years old WOW, he is so cute, still has those big beautiful blue eyes. I think of you often.

  4. Happy Birthday Caleb!!! I hope you filled your tummy with cake and ice cream :-)
